


Frontline Activation and Adoption of Social Communication Tools

Ensuring social communication tools are activated and adopted can come with its own set of difficulties. Especially for frontline workers who don’t have corporate email addresses and often feel disconnected from the rest of the business. So, how can you ensure your social communication and engagement tools become part of everybody’s day-to-day working lives? This guide provides best practice advice and tips.

Planning and deploying a successful intranet

Once thought of as a place for storing files, in the modern digital workplace, the intranet has become the centre of a company’s communications and the solution to its collaboration challenges. This playbook outlines the steps to take to plan, deploy and maintain a successful intranet.

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Transforming Your Digital Employee Experience

Your digital employee experience (DEX) is at the heart of ensuring employees feel connected to the company and to each other. And this comes from receiving the information and communication they need to get their jobs done everyday, regardless of location. This guide discusses the importance of taking a digital-first approach to communications and how you can make the transformation for your company.

Demystifying Microsoft Viva Engage

With the recent Microsoft announcement of a full rebrand for Yammer to Viva Engage. And, new features revealed that strengthen communities, support leadership engagement and provide advanced search capabilities. We've covered everything you need to know to demystify Viva Engage and what this means for the future of your digital landscape in this downloadable guide.

Choosing the Right Internal Communications Software for Your Business

Download the eBook to ensure you are armed with the information you'll need when choosing the most suitable solution for your digital landscape.